
A Legacy of Warmth and Wisdom: Remembering Rabbi Meir Chaim Gutfreund zt”l

(1-minute read) In Memory of Rabbi Meir Chaim Gutfreund zt”l Last night, just as I was about to begin teaching my course, I learned of the passing of Rabbi Meir Chaim Gutfreund zt”l. A Master Mechanech (educator), he epitomized warmth, caring, and a deep commitment to every student’s growth, both educationally and personally. Over 21

A Legacy of Warmth and Wisdom: Remembering Rabbi Meir Chaim Gutfreund zt”l Read More »

Short Praise or Long Thank You Speech?

(45-second read) Question: I’m wondering what’s more effective for my teenage child: Short, frequent positive comments or a long Thank You speech? Answer: Short, positive comments throughout the day—like “I like how you problem-solved!” or “Thanks for helping clean up!”—work wonders because they offer real-time reinforcement. Kids thrive when they can immediately connect their actions

Short Praise or Long Thank You Speech? Read More »

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