Author name: Devora Samet

 The Teacher Is Complaining That My Child Is Distracted…

(3-minute read) Would medication solve the problem?? I completed an evaluation for a 2nd grade girl whose biggest struggle seemed to be distractibility. It was two-thirds into the school year, and while all students opened the book to the correct page very quickly, the student I was evaluating was “too distracted” and would take forever …

 The Teacher Is Complaining That My Child Is Distracted… Read More »

What would you like to see in the mini-book “Shimon’s Pesach Adventure?

(30-second read) Hi All, I am writing a mini-behavior book on the topic of preparing for Pesach and the Seder Night. I’d like to share it with all of you before yomtov so that you can read it with your children and students. I’m inviting all our blog members to share the concerns that they’d …

What would you like to see in the mini-book “Shimon’s Pesach Adventure? Read More »

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