Below is a list of eating manners organized as reds and greens. Use the list as a guide for figuring out precisely which eating habits need to be taught.
- Eating with mouth open
- Nibbling
- Stuffing Mouth
- Messy face and fingers
- Sitting far from table
- Eating with fingers
- Picking with fingers out of a public bowl
- Double-dipping from a public plate
- Using personal spoon to serve myself from a public bowl
- Holding utensils improperly
- Crumbs falling out of mouth
- Dirty clothing
- Mouth closed
- Eating bite-sized pieces
- Bite-sized pieces
- Using a napkin
- Sitting close to table
- Eating with utensils
- Using utensils
- Eating from my personal plate
- Using public spoon to serve myself from a public bowl
- Holding utensils properly
- Keeping lips sealed
- Clean clothing