(One minute read)
This is a social story I wrote a couple days ago to help prepare one of my students for the new school year. Feel free to change the name, age, and school so that you can use it with other students you know. Enjoy!
How can I have a smooth start to the new school year?

My name is David. I am 9 years old. I go to Barkai Yeshivah. I am starting fourth grade. It’s a little different from third grade. We’re all older, smarter, and we have more homework
What are the green rules and expectations for fourth grade?
- Staying in your seat vs. getting out of your seat
- Quiet mouth vs. talking during class
- Waiting patiently till the teacher calls on you vs. calling out
- Being silent when the teacher is talking vs. interrupting
- Doing classwork vs. doing nothing
- Following group directions vs. needing a separate invitation
- Having my materials and supplies vs. losing stuff
- Not talking back vs. arguing in the middle of class
- Soft voice vs. yelling
- Raising hands vs. Calling out
- Cracking a joke at recess time vs. cracking a joke in the middle of class
- Playing with stuff at recess vs. distracted with stuff in middle of class
- Walking around the classroom at recess vs. walking around the classroom during class
- Eating at recess vs. eating in the middle of class
- Being organized vs. disorganized
By doing the greens in class, my teachers will like and enjoy me and I will have a successful school year.
Dr Devora